SAND would like to congratulate Mark Vardy and Luke Pinson on their paper “Seismic Attenuation – Friend or Foe” which was voted one of the four best papers presented at the annual EAGE Near Surface Geoscience Conference and Exhibition 2018. “Seismic attenuation is an important parameter to understand and parameterise, with implications for survey design, processing, interpretation, and inversion.
Here we present a brief summary of the physical theory underpinning our understanding of attenuation and illustrate how this can be used to compensate for the loss of energy within a data processing workflow, preserving vertical resolution down-trace.
Furthermore, we discuss the potential uses of attenuation as a parameter for characterising the nature of the subsurface, suggesting that attenuation should be perceived in a more positive light and seen as another parameter (alongside amplitude, phase, and move-out) that provides valuable quantitative information.”
Due to it’s popularity, this paper will be presented again at this years Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP) in Portland, Oregon between the 17th and 21st March.